Photography Galleries

When I was young and lived in Chicago….I was also a photographer

I spent many summers selling my work at local Art Festivals.  Then I moved to the suburbs and had kids and my days as a city photographer ended.  Nowadays my photos are limited to my back yard and kids, but I still have some timeless images to sell. (I have taken at least one photo of my kids since the day they were born…that equals almost 2000 images of my son alone!) So check out my photography galleries:


Daina's photo entitled "MCBlue" - Marina City
“MCBlue” – Marina City

My Digital Photography:


Daina J Roseman, Digital Photography





Chick Pics

If you can’t tell, I love my chickens.  If you want more pictures of the girls (and boy), check out this gallery:

The Chick Club

Homestead Photos

Looking for more nature shots?  Check out these images from around the Homestead:
