Adventures in Native Plants (hidden and purchased)

Finding the plants that winter was hiding I am really enjoying the adventure of walking the property and finding native plants.  Some of them I’ve already shown here.  There are so many I’ve never seen before that I take tons of pictures and then have to search for similar images.  It also makes it easier…

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Spring Ephemerals – Looked what popped up!

What is a Spring Ephemeral? According to Wikipedia, “The first, Spring emphemeral, refers to perenneial plants that emerge quickly in the spring and then die backto their underground parts after a short growth ad reproduction phase.”   What we found Now that Spring is finally here, the land is the most beautiful shade of green! …

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Welcome Spring & Native Plant Sales

Native Plants: Spring plant sales are coming Native plants have so many benefits!  They are easy to grow and require less maintenance because they are well suited to the environment. There are many that attract bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other beneficial insects.  I’ve seen some plants available at the local big box stores like Lowe’s…

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